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Cover - Small

Model 305

Pris: 160,00 EUR

Model 306

Pris: 205,00 EUR

Model 310

Pris: 228,00 EUR

The prices are excl. shipment
Delivery time: 15-20 working days

Take care of your outdoor kitchen with a luxury cover that is available for all OutStanding outdoor kitchens.

Flying rust - best avoided when buying and using a cover
The climate can be harsh on products that are left outdoors all year round. This also applies to stainless materials. But it can be avoided with cleaning and maintenance as with so many other things. Should it still happen that red/brown spots, also known as fly rust, form over time on the stainless steel, this can fortunately be removed again, as the opposite rust settles on the surface. This is because it is an oxidation of the steel and thus not rust in that sense, so it is not a corrosion of the stainless material.

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